Brody's Big Race

Today was the  ADJECTIVE today! Brody was going to race in his first  ADJECTIVE race. He had been  VERB for this for a  ADJECTIVE time. As the riders started to  VERB he looked around at his competition. "I can  VERB  ADVERB than these other riders" he though to himself. He knew that he had his good luck  NOUN with him under his helmet. He had never  PAST TENSE VERB without it, and didn't want to begin now, so he  PAST TENSE VERB under his helmet, and sure enough, it was there.  ADVERB , he lined up at the starting  NOUN, and the announcer called for the race to begin. Brody  PAST TENSE VERB  ADVERB, and he was off! He was  PLURAL VERB the other racers as they took the first turn, and he felt pretty  ADVERB about it, since he was in first place. Suddenly, his  ADJECTIVE  NOUN fell out from underneath his helmet.