Right On "Growth" Track

 PERSONS NAME  NOUN 1 had been  VERB ING to The Bridge Church for  NUMBER years. Every Sunday he/she would  VERB on a  NOUN 2 in the balcony and leave as soon as Pastor Luc would say  COLOR  PLURAL NOUN making his/her way out of the church unnoticed and unconnected. However, this particular Sunday  PERSONS NAME decided to attend Growth Track where he/she was greeted by  PERSONS NAME 2 and given  ADJECTIVE  FOOD ITEM to snack on and a cup of  ADJECTIVE 2  NOUN 3 to drink. He/She went on to sit at a table with  PERSONS NAME 3 who had brought his pet  ANIMAL to his/her surprise this was the same pet he/she had a home. As the Growth Track classes went on learned that he/she had so much in common with  PERSON NAME 3 including the same spiritual gifting, personality types, and favorite candy  COUNTRY  CAR TYPE. Not only did he/she find friendship at Growth Track he/she also joined the  DREAM TEAM where he/she was able to  VERB  ANIMAL 2 and make a difference in people’s lives.