An Embarrassing Hang Out

Over  SEASON break, my buddy,  NAME, and I decided to hang out. When they came to my house, I had prepared  NOUN and  NOUN so we could  VERB later. It took a while, but it was definitely worth it. As we  PAST TENSE VERB into my bedroom, I noticed everything was  VERB, and I suddenly felt  ADJECTIVE. My  PLURAL BODY PART started to shake and I almost  PAST TENSE VERB. "Sorry," I said  ADVERB, picking up my  NOUN and trying to  VERB. It was so embarrassing, I had half the mind to tell my buddy  PHRASE. Fortunately for me, my buddy didn't seem to care. Instead of thinking about it for too long, they simply  PAST TENSE VERB and  PAST TENSE VERB. After we decided on  VERB ENDING IN ING, we said our goodbyes and  PAST TENSE VERB. It was a good day.