Don't Look Out The Window At Three In The Morning (WARNING ONLY) Be Safe Kids;)

one time looked out the window and seen a really  SOMETHING SCARY wired looking monster that had rasersharp nails and teeth that looked like it wanted to just bite though a person with one bite anyway when  SAME PERSONS NAME saw him he closed the window curton and called 911 when he/she called the 911 opporator was the monster from the window when he/she saw they ran under the bed and called he/she dad and said COME HOME THERES A MONSTER OUTSIDE! then dad hung up without a word then a cop came to my door and knocked when I opened the door the cop told me that my dad had died from a monster with rasorsharp nails and sharp teeth that can bite though human bone when I heard that I knew what it meant........this is why you don't look out the window at three am