How does a  NOUN,  NOUN, son of a  NOUN and a  NOUN, dropped in the middle of a  ADJECTIVE spot in the  PLACE by providence, impoverished, and in squalor, grow up to be a  NOUN and a  NOUN? The ten-dollar founding  NOUN without a father got a lot farther by  VERB ENDING IN ING a lot harder, by being a lot smarter, by being a self-starter, by  NUMBER, they  PAST TENSE VERB him in charge of a trading charter. And every day while  NOUN were being  PAST TENSE VERB and  PAST TENSE VERB away across the  PLURAL NOUN , he struggled and kept his guard up. Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of, the brother was ready to  VERB ,  VERB ,  VERB or barter. Then a  NOUN came, and devastation reigned, our man saw his  NOUN drip, dripping down the  NOUN, put a  NOUN to his temple, connected it to his  NOUN, and he  PAST TENSE VERB his  ADJECTIVE refrain, a testament to his  NOUN. Well, the word got around, they said, “  EXCLAMATION ” took up a collection just to send him to the mainland. “Get your education, don’t  VERB from whence you came, and the world is gonna know your name. What’s your name, man?”  PERSONS NAME My name is  SAME PERSONS NAME . And there’s a million  PLURAL NOUN I haven’t done, but just you  VERB , just you  VERB ...