We were walking through the woods and we came across a  NOUN. We were very scared, so we yelled  EXCLAMATION. We turned to run the other way but there was a  NOUN blocking our way. It turned out that this thing was very  ADJECTIVE, so we gave it a name. We called it  NOUN. "We should take it home," one of us said. "Or maybe to  PLACE!" "Great idea!" everyone agreed. "I'm tickled  COLOR about this!" Then, all of the sudden,  NOUN started talking. "My name is  PLURAL NOUN! I come from  RANDOM PLACE! My family was killed when I was little, so I hid in  PLACE to hide. Now you have found me, and I will  ADJECTIVE! Thank you for finding me and  ADJECTIVE! I hope you are my  FAMILY MEMBER, because that would be very convenient for me." "Uh." everyone said. "We are not your  FAMILY MEMBER. Sorry!" And everyone went home.