A Musical Interlude

We're no strangers to  NOUN. You know the  PLURAL NOUN and so do I (do I). A  ADJECTIVE commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other  NOUN. I just wanna tell you how I'm  PRESENT PARTICIPLE. Gotta make you  VERB! Never gonna  TR. VERB you up, never gonna  TR. VERB you down, never gonna  INTR. VERB around and  TR. VERB you! Never gonna make you  VERB, never gonna say  ANY WORD, never gonna  TR. VERB a  NOUN and  TR. VERB you! We've  PAST PARTICIPLE each other for so long. Your  NOUN's been  PRESENT PARTICIPLE, but you're too  ADJECTIVE to say it (say it). Inside, we both know what's been  PRESENT PARTICIPLE on (  PRESENT PARTICIPLE on). We  TR. VERB the  NOUN and we're gonna  TR. VERB it. And if you ask me how I'm , don't tell me you're too  ADJECTIVE to see. Never gonna  TR. VERB you up, never gonna  TR. VERB you down, never gonna  INTR. VERB around and  TR. VERB you! Never gonna make you  VERB, never gonna say  ANY WORD, never gonna  TR. VERB a  NOUN and  TR. VERB you! Never gonna  TR. VERB you up, never gonna  TR. VERB you down, never gonna  INTR. VERB around and  TR. VERB you! Never gonna make you  VERB, never gonna say  ANY WORD, never gonna  TR. VERB a  NOUN and  TR. VERB you!