The Legendary Axion

As any  ADJECTIVE academic ought to know, the axion is a hypothetical subatomic  NOUN whose existence would explain why symmetry is preserved between  NOUN and  NOUN in  ADJECTIVE interactions between  PLURAL NOUN, as studied in the  ADJECTIVE field of quantum  NOUN. The axion is also thought to be a potential component of  ADJECTIVE matter, a  ADJECTIVE type of matter that is not  TR. PAST PARTICIPLE by  NOUN or by the electromagnetic  NOUN. Axion  PLURAL NOUN have been  TR. PAST PARTICIPLE for  NUMBER years, but  PLURAL OCCUPATION are still trying to detect and prove the existence of the axion. If they succeed, it most certainly will be a(n)  ADJECTIVE moment in the scientific community. Perhaps  PERSON'S NAME will be the one to make it happen.