DiSC Assessment Madlib

Hello! My name is  PERSONS NAME and I recently took the DiSC Workplace Assessment to build better relationships at Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana - and beyond! I discovered that my primary style is  YOUR DISC STYLE. Here's a glimpse into what makes me tick: In social situations, I tend to be  TRAIT,  TRAIT, and sometimes even a bit  TRAIT. When it comes to problem-solving, I prefer a  ADJECTIVE approach, focusing on  NOUN and  NOUN to find solutions. At work, I thrive in an environment that allows me to  VERB and  VERB, while also allowing my  IDENTIFY A PERSONAL STRENGTH to shine! In terms of communication, I lean towards a  ADJECTIVE style. I value  NOUN and  NOUN when communicating with others. I also appreciate when others acknowledge my  NOUN and  ADJECTIVE , fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding. When it comes to feedback, I find that I respond best to  ADJECTIVE criticism . I appreciate feedback that is  PREFERRED METHOD, allowing me to identify areas for growth and improvement. When being rewarded or recognized, I prefer it to be  ADJECTIVE! One thing I've learned about myself is that I'm often perceived as  ADJECTIVE, especially when  VERB under pressure. However, I'm working on  VERB my  NOUN skills to become more adaptable and  ADJECTIVE.