Only 18 And Older Can See NO LITTLE KIDS

today I had feelings for  PERSONS NAME and them I went to there house and the said oh I didn't expect you here today yeah today I had feelings for you so I came to tell you aww tysm! if you want to hang out today we can oh sure! also i like your  COLOR dress! thank you I like your  COLOR shirt! thanks want to go to  PLACE to eat? sure! I'd love to go there with you but when we got in the car my car was not very big so she had to go with a friend so we didn't have to make things wired so when we got there she thanked my friend and we went in when we got inside I brought her to a table and we had our dinner and long story short we had our little sex and the end of the day and was doing it for 5 hours then she left the end sussy things by urs truly unknown........