Christian's Campout

During spring break, my family went camping in  PLACE National Park. It was very  ADJECTIVE ! We went with  PERSONS NAME , and we found a  ADJECTIVE rock. We  PAST TENSE VERB all the way around it. It was so large, it took us  NUMBER hour! Then we climbed all the way up (it was actually really easy). In the afternoon we went to  ADJECTIVE Water Basin. The ground was covered in salt, and the water looked so  COLOR . The temperature was  NUMBER degrees, so we  PAST TENSE VERB to the car. One night for  PERSONS NAME's birthday party we played with glowsticks and danced to some songs. They turned  NUMBER years old! Afterwards we  PAST TENSE VERB games and roasted  FOOD at the campfire. Then we looked at the stars and went to bed. THE END.