Luxury Fashion Houses

In 2012, Raf  FUNNY NICKNAME Simons began working as the creative director for Dior. The fashion industry is full of  PLURAL NOUN who are under a lot of pressure and tend to do drugs like  NOUN. Creative directors are forced to balance their own creativity with commercial success. Imagine if you wanted to design a  NOUN but your  ADJECTIVE boss said you had to create  PLURAL NOUN. Wouldn't you spend $600 a night on  ADJECTIVE cocaine like former Givenchy creative director Alexander McQueen did? Simons incorporated his own  ADJECTIVE experiences into his designs and demonstrated the use of the  ADJECTIVE dual process theory by  VERB ENDING IN ING both instinctual and analytical ideas, system 1 and system 2 respectively. Simons' minimalist designs contrast with  NICKNAME Galliano's  ADJECTIVE and extravagant pieces. Pharrell is a  NOUN who has also pushed standards in both music and fashion. Exploring new  ADJECTIVE sounds and  PLURAL NOUN, and becoming the  ADJECTIVE creative director for Louis Vuitton.