Chapter 6: Trekking Across The Desert

It took Carl several days and nights of unforgiving Wasteland wandering until he spied the first signs of life… Jutting out of the hot, dry sands was a  BODY PART, pointing awkwardly towards the east. A sign dangling off it read: Exotic meats BBQ / Next exit / Bring your own  NOUN. Carl, having gone without fuel for  NUMBER days and nights,  ADVERB sped in the direction the sign was pointing. It wasn’t long before he found himself in front of a tent, steam leaking from its seams. Our poor, dehydrated Carl  VERB ED through the tent flap and found... Feet were everywhere! Toes with giant teeth were gnashing on suspicious piles of charred  FOOD and  VERB ING around the tent. Startled, the leader of the feet bellowed, “Welcome, stranger! Be not afraid, but answer me. Why have you come to our tent?” Carl sputtered out, “Butt Bots have attacked the Cosy Toad! I’m searching for spell ingredients to defeat these wiggly foes. Do you know where I can find  NOUN?” The leader of the naked feet nodded and with surprising  ANIMAL-like dexterity grabbed the ingredient from a case and dropped it into Carl’s waiting  CONTAINER. “Thank you,  HONOURIFIC Foot,” said Carl, “with this last ingredient I can head to Space to complete my mission and halt this Butt Bot attack! I don’t suppose you know where the nearest space shuttle is?”