Back To School

After spring break, a group of three  PLURAL NOUN found themselves back in  VERB ENDING IN ING class. It was extremely  ADJECTIVE and they  PAST TENSE VERB it. The teacher was wearing a  NOUN on her head, and a student  PAST TENSE VERB a  NOUN at her. Then, the teacher was really  ADJECTIVE and she  PAST TENSE VERB him from the class. Suddenly, a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN burst into the room. Everyone  PAST TENSE VERB. "  EXCLAMATION !" the teacher screamed. She couldn't believe it-- the  NOUN had  PAST TENSE VERB in the middle of the classroom. "Gross and  ADJECTIVE ," she said. All this happened in the middle of a test, so the students  PAST TENSE VERB for their  PLURAL NOUN to be  PAST TENSE VERB . The teacher didn't  VERB about them, so the students  PAST TENSE VERB her. To celebrate, they played  SONG by  FAMOUS SINGER. Everyone was  ADJECTIVE and went  ADJECTIVE .