
My name is  PERSONS NAME I own a  COLOR slave but we dont talk about that i have  NUMBER wifes and  NUMBER  NOUN in my  PLACE. i bombed  NUMBER people in  COUNTRY and  NUMBER of them were named  PERSONS NAME my  BODY PART has  LIQUID coming out the chidren are  VERB and learning  SUBJECT at school they all hated health because  BAD THING ABOUT HEALTH about  NUMBER of the children are sucking  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE  NUMBER dicks at once in the bathroom but the dicks are very  ADJECTIVE oh and at  ANOTHER NAME FOR PENIS town where  NUMBER dicks are stored here. my teacher  PERSONS NAME is gay and wont stop talking about  ANNOYING THING TEACHERS TALK ABOUT I have  NUMBER 1 10 chushes and  NUMBER 1 10 of them have dicks so i hate school. "oh the you are"  PET NAME