Julia and Tim  PAST TENSE VERB on the dating app Bumble. When they saw each other they each thought “wow that person is  ADJECTIVE!” Even though Tim’s  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN gave Julia the wrong phone number  NOUN brought them together for their first date. They went to a  ADJECTIVE restaurant and laughed and talked the night away. They enjoyed  NOUN and  NOUN together. Julia  PAST TENSE VERB in just in time for COVID to  VERB in 2020. They were  ADJECTIVE to have each other and their roommates Samantha and Marble the  NOUN. Eventually they  PAST TENSE VERB "we've had enough of this Seattle  NOUN" so they  PAST TENSE VERB to Reno. They made new  PLURAL NOUN in Reno, but felt something was  ADJECTIVE so they  PAST TENSE VERB a Bernadoodle named Bruno. Tim was  ADJECTIVE enough to ask Julia to marry him. He  PAST TENSE VERB Julia to the cliffs above  PLACE where he  PAST TENSE VERB the question. She was  ADJECTIVE and said  EXCALMATION! On April 20th 2024, all of their closest friends and family  PAST TENSE VERB at Torrey Pines to  VERB their marriage. Everything was  ADJECTIVE, except for the stupid mad libs. Everyone  PAST TENSE VERB and  PAST TENSE VERB the night away and lived  ADJECTIVE ever after.