Late To Work

It was a  ADJECTIVE Monday morning and  PERSONS NAME hit the snooze button on his  [NOUN RELATED TO TIME. By the time he finally woke up, he realized he was going to be  ADVERB to work. He rushed out the  PLACE as the door  PAST TENSE VERB behind him. He got into his  TRANSPORTATION and started speeding to try and get there on time. As he sped up to get on the  PLACE, he saw the  SOMETHING WITH LIGHT flashing behind him. The  TYPE OF OCCUPATION asked him, "Do you know how fast you were going? I'm going to give you a  NOUN." By the time  SAME PERSON NAME arrived at work, he was minutes late. He clocked in and got right to work, but it was too late. His  TYPE OF OCCUPATION told him if he was late again he would get  VERB, and his coworkers were  ADJECTIVE for him that they had to cover for him.