
 VERB,  SAME VERB,  SAME VERB some time to I'm in the  ROOM, looking at  PERSONS NAME  BODY PART in the  NOUN is all I need Wait until the  NOUN takes my  NOUN Never gonna get me out  ADJECTIVE I will live a  NUMBER million  NOUNS My  NOUN is  VERB ENDING IN Is this  VERB ENDING IN Our  SAME NOUN is  SAME VERB Is this  SAME VERB? I-I-I got this  NOUN, yeah, you know Where I'm  VERB ENDING IN all  NOUN 'Cause there's  NOUN in my I-I-I got this  NOUN in my  NOUN Go ahead and throw your  PLURAL NOUN 'Cause there's  NOUN in my  SAME BODY PART Playing with a stick of  NOUN There was never  COLOR in black and white There was never wrong 'til there was right (ooh, oh) Feeling like a  NOUN hurtling Seeing all the  ANIMALS circling Burning in the  PLURAL NOUN I'm working in Turning in a  NOUN that's darkening