
Once upon a time there was a beautiful fairy princess  VERB ENDING WITH ED  NOUN. One day  PRONOUN met a maid that had  ADJECTIVE eyes that looked like the galaxy. Princess  NOUN liked the maids eyes so much  PRONOUN ordered for the girls eyes to be plucked  PREPOSITION her head  CONJUNCTION turned into jewelry.  INTERJECTION  PREPOSITION seeing that she wasn't joking the princess's  PLURAL NOUN named her the  ADJECTIVE Princess. At every party the princess would wear jewelry made from eyes she found  ADVERB  ADJECTIVE . It became such a problem that the Fairy Queen ordered that all Fairy subjects must wear something that  PLURAL VERB their eyes so the princess would stop.  ADVERB after sometime Princess Adelina  VERB ENDING WITH ED turning peoples eyes into earrings, necklaces, rings, etc. And  VERB ENDING WITH ED the first  NOUN for the blind  PREPOSITION the Fairy Queendom of Mira. Ironic isn't it?