Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Part 1

Long, long ago, in a  NOUN far,far away, there was  NOUN Wars! The  NOUN Alliance is trying to find the  ADJECTIVE plans the imperial  NOUN Star. The team is led by  NOUN Leia Organa. She put a holoprojection into R2-D2's  PLURAL NOUN. C-3P0 and R2 went into an  NOUN pod. The two  ADJECTIVE droids were beaten by those  ADJECTIVE jawas!  PERSONS NAME Skywalker's uncle picked the droid R2-KT, and then decided R2 after KT blew up. Luke explored Tattooine with the two  PLURAL NOUN, but he'd have to watch out for  NOUN Raiders! He returned to his  ADJECTIVE home and discovered R2's new holo  NOUN. It had Leia talking, saying, "Please  VERB me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your my only  NOUN." Kenobi was the mystery. After a  ADJECTIVE dinner, Luke went out, looking for his neighbor,  PERSONS NAME Kenobi. Then after Ben said hadn't heard that name in a long time, Luke asked, "Who is he?" Ben's answer was "He's me!".