Harry Potter And The Audacity Of This Bitch

Once upon a time, Harry Potter and his friends were  VERB WITH ING together. But a Dementor came into the room! All of them stood up in shock and they all took out their  ADJECTIVE  SOMETHING LONG AND HARDs. Ron and Hermoine went away to go tell their  ADULT (LIKE TEACHER OR PARENT) while Harry stood, frightened. Scared, he tried to remember what Lupin had taught him, but it was no hope. He  VERB WITH ED them, he  VERB WITH ED and he  VERB WITH ED them but nothing worked! He dived under a  NOUN, where it couldn't find him. No, no, no! It couldn't be sucking the  NOUN (CONCEPT, LIKE IMAGINATION) out of him! But then Professor  LAST NAME dashed in! He had heard Harry's screams for help, so he took out his wand (Made out of the finest quality  MATERIAL (SOLID OR LIQUID) ) and shouted at the top of his lungs, "  SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS LIKE A HARRY POTTER SPELL !" Harry  PAST TENSE VERB (MOVING) out of his hiding placeand thanked the teacher on his amazing work. Now Hogwarts was safe again!  EXCLAMATION OF HAPPINESS (LIKE YAY) !