The Tragic Tale Of Biggie Cheese

Biggie Cheese was a mouse, and a rapper. He spent many days  VERB in  COUNTRY,  COUNTRY, and  COUNTRY. Biggie was a massive  ADJECTIVE and he liked  NOUN. But one day, as he was walking out, the  NOUN car went after him. They put him in, and Biggie Cheese was taken to court. "Oy Biggie! You're a  INSULT!" someone screamed. Biggie Cheese after the session was taken to prison for  CRIME,  CRIME,  CRIME and  CRIME. He was taking a shower in prison, but he dropped the soap bar. "HE HE HE HE!!!!" a mysterious voice shouted out. Biggie looked behind, but saw nothing. But then, EDP445 started  VERB behind his back. Biggie Cheese was  VERB by EDP445.