Q & A With Aly Michalka Of Aly & AJ

Q: I'm sure you've heard this before, but you and AJ are spitting  PLURAL NOUN of each other. You look alike, but do you think alike? A: We get along well, but there are times we don't see eye to  PART OF THE BODY. Q: Your debut album, Into the  NOUN, was a/an  ADJECTIVE success. Did you anticipate it would go right to the top of the charts and sell more than a million  PLURAL NOUN? A: We kept our  PART OF THE BODY PLURAL crossed. Q: On your latest album, Insomniatic, you willingly and musically went out on a  NOUN to introduce a brand-new  NOUN. Why take the risk? A: We had an overwhelming urge to create a/an  ADJECTIVE sound that would allow us to inspirationally express our heartfelt  PLURAL NOUN. Q: Well, you certainly succeeded. It's apparent to anyone who listens to Insomniatic that the songs come from your  PART OF THE BODY, and it's obvious that success hasn't gone to your  PART OF THE BODY, either. A: We owe it all to our parents. They are great role  PLURAL NOUN. They keep our  PART OF THE BODY PLURAL planted firmly on the ground.