A Biography Of Henry Winkler

As is true of most  ADJECTIVE actors, Henry Winkler started out by doing one-line  PLURAL NOUN and  ADJECTIVE commercials. But once he landed the  ADJECTIVE role of "The Fonz" in the  ADJECTIVE sitcom, Happy  PLURAL NOUN, he was on his way to becoming an overnight  NOUN. This Yale graduate's portrayal of high school dropout Arthur Fonzarelli earned him two Golden  NOUN Awards, three Emmy  PLURAL NOUN, and made him the  NOUN-age idol of the seventies. Constantly in demand, Henry worked steadily in feature  PLURAL NOUN and many guests  VERB ENDING IN roles in television, until he sought refuge behind the camera as a director, producer, and  NOUN. His deep commitment to children's welfare led him to coauthor a/an  ADJECTIVE series of kids' books about a character named Hank Zipzer which made The New York  PLURAL NOUN best-seller  NOUN and received critically acclaimed  PLURAL NOUN. If you ask Henry what he's proudest of he will quickly  VERB, "Writing the  PERSON IN ROOM  PLURAL NOUN with my partner Lin Oliver."