
Uh oh! Jack and Jill are on a quest to find a hidden waterfall, but they need to cross a rickety bridge to get there. Jack is really scared of heights, which is acrophobia. He's frozen in place! Can you help him cross the waterfall? Jack needs to face his fear of heights to cross the bridge. He is really scared so he thinks about his calming toolbox. We learned about some calming tools on pages 12 and 14. Can you remind Jack of one?  CALMING TOOL Jack takes a few deep breaths and feels a little steadier. What can Jill do to help Jack feel even more secure? We talked about things in your calming toolbox that might help. Can Jill suggest something?  CALMING TOOL Jill supports Jack, and he feels much more confident now! He takes a small step onto the bridge. What can Jack focus on to feel braver as he crosses? We talked about calming techniques on page 12. Can Jack focus on something to distract him from the height?  SOMETHING TO FOCUS ON Slowly, Jack crosses the bridge, focusing on  WHAT JACK IS FOCUSING ON. He makes it to the other side feeling proud! Together, they continue their adventure and find the hidden waterfall.