ROMEO and JULIET, a play about two lovers who cannot be together because of their family conflict this story is set in Verona in the 1500's Romeo met  PERSONS NAME at a party they kissed a lot they found out that each other were enemies of families ,  PERSONS NAME __________ went thinking about her and sneaking into the home of the  PERSONS NAME ___________ just see her they were together until he had to go then on went Romeo to  PERSONS NAME ___________________ to tell him about his love for Juliet we go on into the story and they are getting married ,  PERSONS NAME ___________ was killed by  PERSONS NAME __________ , Romeo had went to get his get back for Mercutio which end in Romeo killing Tybalt and being banished so he ran to Lawrence's home to tell him and Juliet was told that Tybalt was killed by Romeo she was upset but she still loved him she gave her nurse the ring that she wanted to be married with the nurse pops up at  PERSONS NAME ________________ door and talks to Romeo and tells him to sneak into the home of the Capulets he does but had to go in the morning he said his good byes and left then Juliet's mom walked in and was telling her that they would get their get back for  PERSONS NAME _____________ and also told how she has to marry she said she didnt want to, to her father the father said marry or be kicked out on the streets and then the nurse encouraged it