Romeo And Juliet

the story begins as the chorus introduces two feuding families of verona the capulets and the montagues on one day the factions started  VERB because a man named sampson  VERB his thumb at the rival family causing a  VERB to break out thats interupted by the prince and he threatens banishment soon after the head of capulets family plans a feast. during act 2 romeo lingers near the house of capulet house to talk with juliet when she appears in a window the couple declare they love each other and want to marry the next day with the help of the nurse the couple arranges to marry and juliet goes for the confession at the cell of friar laurence. in act 3 a  VERB breaks out between the familys mercutio and tybalt and ends with mercutio being  VERB because romeo gets in the way while  VERB he curses the houses of capulet and montague and romeo seeks revenge for tybalt