Junior High Adventure

In the year  NUMBER the Junior High class  PAST TENSE VERB their way to Slow Burn. They took a left, a left, then a  ADJECTIVE right. They saw at least  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN. Much to Zander's dismay the  SAME NOUN did not offer honey.  TEACHER said they might have some at Slow Burn, so long as Audrey doesn't  VERB it all first. Kyle  ADVERB won-ton'd Miles and Miles  PAST TENSE ACTION right back, so Beatrix thought it best to put an end to it by standing tall on the  OBJECT and announced "We must get along, or else the  PLURAL NOUN in  PLACE will be very  ADJECTIVE !" Things were well until everyone arrived at Slow Burn where Gideon realized he lost his  PLURAL NOUN.  TEACHER assured Gideon it will be okay,  STUDENT always has some extra in their  CONTAINER . The group purchased their  BEVERAGE and returned to the  ADJECTIVE school just in time to do end of day jobs. Trey had chicken care and noticed  CHICKEN was missing! The class went into a(n)  ADVERB panic, looking everywhere for  SAME CHICKEN . "Someone look in  STUDENT 's locker!" Maya  SOUNDed. "But be careful! It might  VERB!" Trey  ADVERB ran to the  ADJECTIVE locker. He heard some  SOUND from inside!  ADVERB he opened it... it wasn't a chicken at all! It was  TEACHER 's  LOUD THING . "That's where that went!"  SAME TEACHER said. "But then where's  SAME CHICKEN ??" At that moment the phone  SOUND. Audrey answered. "" she said  ADVERB. Everyone waited for her to finish the call and when she hung up addressed the class. "It was  PERSONS NAME from Slow Burn. They were calling to inform us that we left our hen there. But she's okay. She's drinking a  SAME BEVERAGE ."