Your Favorite FORVIS Leprechaun 4 Forever

Once upon a time in the  ADJECTIVE land of  COUNTRY, there lived a(n)  ADJECTIVE leprechaun named Watson. He was a(n)  ADJECTIVE fellow who lived with his best friend Snow and they dreamed of one day becoming the best gold hunters in  COUNTRY. You see, our little leprechaun had dreamed since the day he was born that he'd be a gold hunter. He  VERB and  VERB and  VERB in college to get there but alas, he failed his final  NOUN test and his dream was left unrealized. Instead, he took a job as a(n)  ADJECTIVE  NOUN and thought he would live the rest of his life  VERB until the day he died. ): Then IT happened.... "  VERB UP!!" his bff Snow  PAST TENSE VERB. "There's an emergency at the leprechaun  PLACE!" Watson  PAST TENSE VERB out of his  NOUN and said, "What time is it?" "it's  NUMBER O'Clock!" Snow replied. "  PLURAL NOUN! That's so early!" Watson grumbled as he pulled on his  CLOTHING. Watson and Snow jumped into their  NOUN and off they  PAST TENSE VERB to the scene. "Oh. My.  PLURAL NOUN." Watson stared at the scene in front of him. He'd never seen such a(n)  ADJECTIVE incident before. Every leprechaun was  VERB and  VERB and  VERB in circles as the mayor  PERSONS NAME tried to bring order to the group. "Leprechauns! We have all gathered from  COUNTRY to  COUNTRY to witness this great travesty! The  ADJECTIVE little elves have STOLEN ALL OF OUR GOLD!" they mayor shouted amidst wails and tears of  NOUN falling from the eyes of the leprechauns. "We need one  ADJECTIVE leprechaun to traverse the dangerous terrain of  COUNTRY to bring it back!" "This is our chance!" Snow shouted. "Where do we start?" Watson yelled. "The  ADJECTIVE little elves left us a haiku: To Roy G. Biv for the gold, water and sunlight, keys for the bridge to appear." "I declare whoever solves this riddle and brings back our gold will be the new leprechaun leader AND win a lifetime supply of  PLURAL NOUN!" the mayor said. "what the ?" Snow said. "Who is Roy G. Biv?" "I don't know," Watson said, "but I bet  PERSONS NAME, the Wizard knows! They know everyone! This is our chance to become the most famous gold hunters ever!" and off they  PAST TENSE VERB. Watson and Snow pulled up to the Wizard's  NOUN and  VERB through the front door. "Wizard! We need your help!" Watson said. The Wizard slowly  PAST TENSE VERB to the friends and said, "How can I help?" "Do you know who Roy G. Biv is?" Snow asked. "Hmm...," the Wizard said as she  PAST TENSE VERB around the room flipping through her  NOUN of spells. "I've never heard of a Roy G. Biv in this country." Disappointed, Watson and Snow  PAST TENSE VERB down. "This is hopeless," they said. "Now now," the Wizard said, "Nothing is truly hopeless if you have  NOUN!" Reinvigorated, Watson and Snow responded, "You're so right! We can do this!" "Now, if Roy G. Biv isn't a person, what is it?" Snow asked. " could be a place?" the Wizard responded. "I feel I'm an expert on places and I've never heard of Roygbiv," Snow said. Watson looked around until a(n)  NOUN caught his eye. "Wizard, what is  ACRONYM mean?" "Oh that's an acronym." the Wizard replied dismissively. "AN ACRONYM," Snow shouted, "That's it!" "R. O. Y. G. B. I. V." Watson said. "Radically. Opportunistic. Yiddish. Girls. Being. Insanely. Valiant?" Snow asked. "Runny. Omelets. Yielding. Good. Bites. In. Vents?" the Wizard suggested. "No no." Watson mumbled. "Those are absolutely  ADJECTIVE." "Sunlight and water..." Snow said, "That's the key!" "Rainbows. Offering. You. Good. Benefits. In. Value?" the Wizard tried again. "Rainbows...benefits...value...!" Watson  PAST TENSE VERB in the air. "OH WE GOT IT!" Snow joined in. "Wizard, how do we find the nearest rainbow?" Snow asked. "Well, I guess the biggest one usually starts in  COUNTRY and ends in  COUNTRY but only shows up when the elves want to. Why do you ask?" the Wizard responded. "Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. Our missing gold is hidden in one of their bridges." Watson proclaimed. "Let's go then, " Snow shouted, "Wizard. You must join!" and off they  PAST TENSE VERB. Arriving at their destination, they found a(n)  NOUN of water, a(n) of sunlight, and a locked door with a padlock. "What's the combination??" Watson asked. "Hmm...," Snow said, "the elves left another clue but it's just a bunch of numbers?" 1000 - 250 - 130 - 30 - 20 - 75 - 15 - 35. "Uhh...that's 445?" Snow said, a former accountant. The Wizard poured the water and sunlight in and twisted the dial to 445 AND... nothing happened. "No no, " Watson said, "it has to be 7 numbers. Try doing each equation." "750. 620. 590. 570. 495. 480. 445." Snow rattled off the answers quickly. "OH! The wavelengths! I learned that in  COUNTRY when I was there for the  NOUN festival!" the Wizard said. Watson twisted the dial and looked at Snow, "Here we go..." The keys locked in and a(n)  ADJECTIVE rainbow shot out in front of them.  VERB with glee, the 3 friends  PAST TENSE VERB forward. They got to the top and then  PAST TENSE VERB down the other side and landed in a  NOUN full of all their gold. "We did it!" Snow shouted as he watched Watson  VERB and  VERB and  VERB through the gold. "Yes!" Watson proclaimed, "but how do we get it back?" "You don't need to." All 3 friends jumped as a(n)  ADJECTIVE elf came down the rainbow. "Our 2 great people have been  ADJECTIVE against each other for so long but we wanted to instead come together and build a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE group and I wanted to know if I could trust the leprechaun leaders so we set this as a test." "And did we pass?" Watson and Snow said at the same time. "You did! You passed with flying colors (no pun intended) and us elves would be as  ADJECTIVE as a  NOUN to have you lead with us. From now on, if you want, this is OUR gold and we shall share it with all our wonderful people." the elf said. The Wizard said, "I think I'm going to retire. I've had a(n)  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE career and it's time for me to relax with some wine." Everyone  PAST TENSE VERB as they were happy for her. "How about you Snow and Watson. You in?" the elf asked. Watson and Snow looked at each other and then fist bumped. "  NOUN yeah! We'd love to!" "Great! We can keep the gold at the end of our rainbow so no one can steal it but we'll use it to make our people's lives better," the elf said. "Awesome," Watson said, "nothing is better than leadership with my bff Snow and excited to work with you too, Elf!" Snow  PAST TENSE VERB, "Watson, my friend, you are too kind. I can't think of anything I would like more either. Elf, what is your name?" The elf  PAST TENSE VERB then said, "They call me Wahba." And that's how the great story of how 2  ADJECTIVE leprechauns and a(n)  ADJECTIVE elf came together to build a(n)  ADJECTIVE kingdom in the land of  FAKE COUNTRY called forvis mazars.