The Journey Part 2

We arrived at a(n)  BIOME, where it was as  WEATHER ADJECTIVE as a(n)  NOUN. The only trace of civilization was a(n)  FACILITY, renowned for their  FOOD.  ADJECTIVE , we entered and began to dig in. But my  FOOD, SAME AS FIRST tasted like  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN. When I spat it out, there was a(n)  CREATURE the size of a(n)  NOUN! Suddenly, there was a(n)   ING SOUND that made everything  VERB, and  SUBSTANCE OR FLUID rained from the sky and burst through the ground. The  CREATURE, SAME AS FIRST turned  COLOR and grew to the size of a(n)  NOUN. We were all so  EMOTION that we could  VERB! Ready for a fight, I got out my  OBJECT . But my poor  RELATIVE, SAME AS FIRST was so  ADJECTIVE from his/er hurt  BODY PART, SAME AS SECOND that s/he had to hang tight. But  PERSON’S NAME, SAME AS FIRST had an idea, “Maybe I can use my  SKILL to  VERB that creature away!” I said, “ Are you sure about that? Alright, I’ll back you up.” I brandished my deadly  OBJECT, SAME AS FIRST . (To be continued)