We'll really miss ya'll the next  NUMBER years while you live in the  ADJECTIVE town of Columbus MS, originally called  ANIMAL Town by native tribes there. We know Mike will be busy  VERBing everyday and Mel will have a/an  ADJECTIVE time keeping up with Amelia, who will be  ADVERBly  VERBing with her new  PLURAL NOUN! But you will soon make  ADJECTIVE friends who will be  COLOR and eager to show you around town. Maybe you'll visit the childhood home of  FAMOUS PERSON or see the world's largest  ICKY NOUN manufacturer. There's plenty of open space to  VERB in, as well as rivers and  PLURAL NOUN to hunt for  PLURAL NOUN. In no time you'll remember when you  PAST TENSE VERB HERE, and it will almost feel like home. Mel will probably find a great job  VERBing; Mike will continue to fly  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN and life will be  ACTIVE ADJECTIVE ! Just take time to  VERB each other and smell the  PLURAL NOUN. We can't WAIT to welcome you back in a couple years. Be happy, safe and  ADJECTIVE!! Love,  PERSONS NAME