A Night With Nonna And Monty

Once upon a time, two  NOUN named Nonna and Monty were at  PLACE  ADVERB . Then, Nonna was going to make a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN for Monty. Monty stood up on his hind  PLURAL BODY PART for  NUMBER seconds. He did this to show he was  ADJECTIVE . Nonna spread Nutella on the sandwich with a  NOUN. Sometimes, Nonna puts a different amount of Nutella inside the sandwich every time! When she was done, she  PAST TENSE VERB the sandwich inside Monty's  NOUN. Monty  VERB the sandwich. Oh no! The sandwich had chocolate in it, which makes dogs'  PLURAL BODY PART  ADJECTIVE . But, no worries for Monty! He drank a special  NOUN that allowed him to eat chocolate. After Monty was finished his  NOUN, they began to get  ADJECTIVE and then went to  NOUN.