The Day The Lights Went Out At Eaton

One day in the  SEASON, a student from Eaton Elementary  PLACE was walking down the hallway, whistling  SONG. He was so  ADJECTIVE that he forgot to take his  NOUN to the principal's office. All of a sudden, all the lights went out in the whole building, except in the  ROOM. Everybody screamed so loud, and then  VERB. Lucas wasn't scared though, but he was a little  ADJECTIVE. His friend  PERSON was next to him, and he started crying and  VERB. The whole day, there was no light, and no  NOUN. One of the teachers shouted out the window, "Help! There's no  NOUN in here! Luckily, Lucas figured out that the problem was that an  ANIMAL had chewed through the electric cable and gotten  VERB. Everyone cheered when the lights came back on, and Lucas was recognized as a hero by the whole school and by the  PERSON. It started as a bad day, but ended up being really  ADJECTIVE.