My First Pet

I've asked my parents for a/an  ANIMAL ever since I was  NUMBER years old. This year for my birthday, they finally said okay! I am so  FEELING, I can't wait! First we have to go to  PLACE, so that we can buy a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN for my new pet. We also need to get special food for  ANIMAL. They like to eat  FOOD and  ADJECTIVE food. I got some treats for it, too!  COLOR  FOOD! They're  ANIMAL'S favorite. When we get home, my new pet is going to sleep in my  NOUN with me. Every night, I will  VERB and feed my pet. My parents said I have to be very  ADJECTIVE to have a pet and I will be! Now all I have to do is choose a name. I think my new pet will be named  ADJECTIVE  PERSON IN THE ROOM.