Wedding Advice To A & P

A Note for the Bride and Groom We are so  POSITIVE/NEUTRAL ADJECTIVE that you are getting married! Although we love and support you both, let's face it. We are really here for the  YOUR FAVORITE FOOD. We think you'll make a  ADJECTIVE couple because you are  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE. With our many years of wisdom, here is our best advice to pull you through the  FUNNY ADJECTIVE years ahead. In your first year of marriage, make sure you  VERB and don't forget to  NEUTRAL VERB the  ANIMAL if you catch our drift. In my opinion, you should  VERB every day. As they say, never go to sleep  ADJECTIVE THAT IS AN EMOTION – DO NOT SAY ANGRY. To keep a happy marriage, never fight about  PLURAL NOUN, always  VERB, and love each other  EXTREME ADVERB. I wish you lots of  PLURAL NOUN and  PLURAL NOUN for  5 DIGIT NUMBER years to come!