Wang Chronicles

Happy  NUMBERth Birthday Amanda Wang! Let's relive a couple highlights from the past year. Taking it back to Golden last year when you  PAST TENSE VERB through the air on a  NOUN in slow motion and shocked even the expert 10 year olds while tobogganing. I could include 100 frisbee memories from the most  ADJECTIVE season but... your defensive highlight of the year where you ran as  ADVERB as a(n)  ANIMAL and Amanda Ho had "Never seen you run so fast" is one I will mention. Brining us to Calgary training camp in June where we picked out a(n)  ADJECTIVE watermelon and were then feeding everyone watermelon for a week. This is the same weekend where you BBQ'd  PLURAL NOUN and the resulting  NOUN was "impressive". You found your love for Dutch Blitz and there have been many  ADJECTIVE games but I think I am still the overall  NOUN mostly from the one night at PAUC where you could not  VERB and the day you gambled yourself out of a couple of Swiss rolls. We went looking for larches and ended up hiking through a  PLACE (you were unimpressed at the top but prepared with your hand warmer). Maybe not a traditional highlight but you spent dozens of hours  VERN ENDING IN ING my writing and your endless support and help means the world. And we can't forget how you found me my  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE, orange cat and all the chaos that has ensued! Hope you enjoy being truly  ADJECTIVE now and that this year is full of more memorable Wang moments. Thank you for being you! Benny