The Janitor's Closet

On a  ADJECTIVE Saturday morning,  NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 100 intermediate school students found themselves in detention. After a spilled  NOUN A DRINK led them to the janitor's closet. That was the moment when their  ADJECTIVE reality shifted. Upon opening the door, the students were  ADVERB transported through a portal and dropped into a dense,  ADJECTIVE rainforest. Chaos ensued as they dodged wild  PLURAL NOUN , tasted  ADJECTIVE fruits, and navigated through thick  NOUN. Each step deeper into the jungle brought new  PLURAL NOUN and tests of their wits, teamwork, and bravery. As the day waned, the students faced one final battle with a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN ANIMAL . When victory had been won, the group fell in exhaustion beside an enormous nearby  NOUN. Once again they were  PAST TENSE VERB through a portal that took them right back to the janitor’s closet. The group couldn’t have been more  PAST TENSE VERB to be back in detention. They couldn’t wait to see  NOUN NAME OF AN EMPLOYEE OF THE SCHOOL and get back to work! What a  ADJECTIVE day it had been!