The Froggy Principal

On the night of February 29th, Mr. Jacobs dreamed that he was a frog. In the dream it was a  ADJECTIVE morning. Mr. Jacobs couldn’t figure out why he felt  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE . He took a look in the  NOUN and saw the reflection of a frog   ING VERB back at him! Mr. Jacobs let out a  ADVERB croak! “Did a  NOUN put a spell on me?” he wondered. Testing out his new froggy legs, he decided to see how high he could  VERB . However, he landed belly first on a  NOUN. Mr. Jacobs then decided to  VERB in the nearby pond. All of that exercising made him hungry. Before he knew it, his tongue flicked out of his mouth and stuck to a  TYPE OF INSECT ! He gulped it down and cried “  EXCLAMATION !” Disgusted, he  PAST TENSE VERB from lily pad to lily pad, trying to calm himself down. One lily pad was  ADJECTIVE and he slipped off. He  ADVERB woke up, screamed “Leap into Learning!” and  PAST TENSE VERB away.