
Once upon a time there was a  ADJECTIVE girl named Swipes Cardigan, a.k.a. Moriah Meigs. As she was  VERB through the  PLACE, she was thinking about her  ADJECTIVE love Whit Wiley Jr., a.k.a. Caleb Shelby. She and Whit Jr. were headed to an 80's Murder/Mystery party soon. His  ADJECTIVE parents had  PAST TENSE VERB this idea to go back to their  ADJECTIVE days of thinking about when they were young. They had  VERB out all their old 80's items from the time capsule they referred to as "the attic". So she  PAST TENSE VERB up her Polly Pockets and her walkman and  PAST TENSE VERB to her favorite non-80's song, "Young and Beautiful" by her favorite song artist, Lana Del Ray as she  VERB to their  ADJECTIVE house. Thoughts of "Beetlejuice" (fave 80's movie) haunting the "Little House on the Prairie" (fave 80's tv show) entered her head. Beetlejuice might  VERB Laura's  NOUN or  VERB her  NOUN. Swipes made it  ADVERB to the 80's party in her Euro Thrash costume. She had a feeling it might be  ADJECTIVE and she couldn't wait to  VERB and show off her  ADJECTIVE skills. She hoped there would be lots of fun memories to remember. ....fast forward to after the party Swipes was  A HAPPY EMOTION to put all of her memories, items  VERB at Whit Wiley's mall, pictures  VERB at Tina Queen's (a.k.a. Melissa's) Glamour Shots, any prizes  VERB from the TV Game Show Challenge at Alan's Castle Arcade in her Bath & Body Works bag (her fave 80's store); including this madlib. She planned on keeping this as her own  ADJECTIVE time capsule for future generations to  VERB out of her attic to  VERB about her adventure at the 80's Murder Mystery Party.