St. Charles High Visit

The first time I  PAST TENSE VERB into Saint Charles High School, I couldn't believe my  BODY PART. The gym was as big as a  LARGE NOUN and there was a  ANIMAL running down the halls! Dr. Happel, the principal, came out the office to greet me and the other Freshmen and said he was excited for a  POSITIVE ADJECTIVE school year. He told us that High was the best  NOUN and all of the teachers were really  ADJECTIVE. We would be in good hands. As we started our tour of the building on of the upperclassmen was telling us the history of the school. They said the school was older than  NOUN and had caught fire  NUMBER times. They said that even though the school was most certenly haunted, it was ok because our Pirate mascot,  NAME, kept the ghosts from haunting the students...most of the time. We were all taken to the gym where the band was playing  SONG TITLE and a group of students were doing the  TYPE OF DANCE. We got ready for our first assebmly and all  PAST TENSE VERB onto the bleechers waiting for something else to happen. All of a sudden, the Athletic Director Mr. Owens ran into the gym and yelled, "." We all looked at each other and proceeded to  VERB before the Assistant Principal, Dr. Closson, came in behind him and told him to lead us all in a game of  GAME. We were all given  FOOD for lunch before getting back on the  TYPE OF VEHICLE to be brought home to enjoy the rest of the summer. I can't believe there are only a few more weeks left of break. I am going to spend it in  CITY! But at least my first year in High School should be exciting as a St. Charles High School Pirate.