Looking For Lost Items

Melody and Leo love to spend time after school looking for lost items. It started when their friend Lily lost a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. She had colored it  COLOR and she always kept it in a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN to keep it safe. One day she looked and it was gone! Lily wondered if she had forgotten to  VERB it. She immediately thought to call Melody and Leo, her  ADJECTIVE friends. "They'll know how to help," she thought. First Leo laid down on the  NOUN and looked under the bed. Then Melody climbed into the  NOUN, pushed the hangers aside, and looked behind the  PLURAL NOUN. "Tell us more about what it looks like," Melody said. Lily told them that it was  ADJECTIVE , and had a  COLOR  NOUN along the side. "I love it so much," she cried. "How can it be lost?" Finally, Leo thought to look in the  NOUN room. "Look!" He said. "I see a  NOUN behind the washing machine. It's  COLOR and  ADJECTIVE . Does it sound like yours?" Melody and Lily  PAST TENSE VERB to see what Leo had found. Lily   [PAST TENSE VERB her hands excitedly! "Thanks a million, Leo! I thought it was lost forever." Lily held her found treasure like a  NOUN, and the friends smiled gladly. That's when Melody and Leo knew they would always like to help their friends find lost items.