Ms. Amanda's Class Story

It was a special day in Ms. Amanda's class. It was  NOUN day! The whole class was excited to celebrate. They were hoping they would get to  VERB or maybe their teacher would pass out  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN . Instead, Ms. Amanda  ADVERB began the class by saying, "Okay my little  PLURAL NOUN ! It's time to  VERB !" Ayla began to  ADVERB  VERB . "Ayla, what are you doing?" asked Jace. "I don't know," Ayla shrugged. "Ms. Amanda's acting  ADJECTIVE ." "Yeah," Leila agreed. "We'd better  VERB ." Ollie had a secret. He had hidden a  NOUN under his desk. "What's that?" asked CC. Ollie laughed  ADVERB . "I'm not telling!" "Ollie! No time for secrets!" said Ava. "I need your help! I'm trying to make a  NOUN." "I can help!" said Lynne. She had some  PLURAL NOUN to add. "That's perfect!" said Ava. "Now we need something  ADJECTIVE." "Oh, I know," said Ryker. He had a  NOUN. "That looks really  ADJECTIVE," said Marin. "Thank you, Marin!" said Ryker. After that, Jack, Beriwan, and Henry worked together to carry a huge  NOUN to the classroom. After they were done, they were very  ADJECTIVE. Layli took over and  PAST TENSE VERB to complete the creation. "Wow!" said Riaan. "It's so  ADJECTIVE!" All the kids together showed the  ADJECTIVE creation to Ms. Amanda. She was amazed. "That's the most  ADJECTIVE thing my students have ever  PAST TENSE VERB!" she exclaimed. "It's a perfect way to  VERB on this special holiday." Everybody  PAST TENSE VERB.