The Boring Story Of Pineapple Pizza/Why Pineapple On Pizza Is HORRIBLE

Once upon a time, in a  PLACE far away from modern civilization, where pizzas  VERB and pigs  VERB, lived a pineapple. This pineapple wasn't just any fruit, he was  ADJECTIVE and a very  ADJECTIVE fellow. Pineapple was in love with pizza. Now, perhaps you  VERB that  NOUN and pizza don't go very nicely together. You're absolutely correct.  NOUN and pizza is a literal war crime and NOBODY should eat it, not even your  ADJECTIVE nemesis.  NOUN thinks that such a food needs to  NOUN to keep the balance between  NOUN and  NOUN. Not only does  NOUN pizza disrespect  A NATIONALITY but it also destroys their natural habitat. So this is why,  A NATIONALITY should NEVER, EVER  VERB such a disgusting  NOUN EVER AGAIN!!!!!