The World Of The Future

A new report shows what  NOUN might be like in  NUMBER years from now. It describes  PLURAL NOUN that are much  COMPARATIVE ADJ. than today's  PLURAL NOUN, underwater  PLURAL NOUN, and  PLURAL NOUN in  PLACE. The  NOUN is from  BRAND's SmartThings. It  PAST TENSE VERB experts on  NOUN,  NOUN, and  PLURAL NOUN to give their ideas on  NOUN in  YEAR. They said the way we  VERB,  VERB and  VERB will be totally  ADJECTIVE to how we do these things today. The experts said that  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN ago,  PLURAL NOUN could not  VERB how the  NOUN and  PLURAL NOUN would change our  PLURAL NOUN. The  NOUN has  PAST PARTICIPLE VERB the way we  VERB,  VERB and do daily  PLURAL NOUN. The  PLURAL NOUN said the changes in the next century would be even more  ADJECTIVE. Researchers questioned  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN about the  PLURAL NOUN they thought were most likely to happen in the  NOUN. They predicted that in the future, few  PLURAL NOUN will go to a(n)  NOUN but will  VERB from  NOUN and have  ADJECTIVE work meetings.  PLURAL NOUN will have  ADJECTIVE 3D  PLURAL NOUN that will let you  VERB a design for  NOUN or a  NOUN recipe and then  VERB the  NOUN,  NOUN or  NOUN at  PLACE. There will also be less need for visits to the  NOUN. We will all have a home health  NOUN that will tell us what the  NOUN is and give us  NOUN. We will also be  VERB ING into space for  PLURAL NOUN and to get  PLURAL NOUN that we have used up on  PLANET. A prediction that was missing was whether  PLURAL NOUN would still need to study  SCHOOL SUBJECT.