Jess And Michael: A Love Story

Back in 2018, Jess got some  ADJECTIVE advice from her  ADJECTIVE friend Patrick, which was also encouraged at a tarot card  VERB ENDING IN ING. She decided to make it her  HOLIDAY Resolution - Jess was going to take  VERB ENDING IN ING more seriously. By a  ADJECTIVE coincidence, Jess saw an ad on  SILLY WORD for a dating app called  SILLY WORD. She was specifically drawn to it because of the  ADJECTIVE tagline: "Find someone to be  ADJECTIVE with." It wasn't long before Jess found Michael's  NOUN. Jess liked that he mentioned that the last  NOUN that made him  VERB was  ADJECTIVE Sunshine of the Spotless  NOUN. Jess decided to ask Michael out to a  NOUN. On their first  NOUN, they went to dinner at Maryann's, a  ADJECTIVE restaurant. Jessie was too nervous to eat her  NOUN. Michael couldn't decide on whether he wanted Jess to call him Michael or  MAN'S NAME. They saw the  NOUN Movie 2 and talked about how Michael  VERB, PAST TENSE on Fieldstone Drive, which is the same street name where Jess grew up in  PLACE. Since they were having such a  ADJECTIVE time, Jess asked Michael to come back to her  NOUN after the  NOUN. They watched The  NOUN and talked about going out again the next week. On their second  NOUN, they ate at a Hibachi  NOUN where they argued about Star  PLURAL NOUN. Unfortunately, Jess had a Crohn's flare-up and had to leave the  NOUN early. Michael thought she was just making it up because she didn't  VERB him. After the second date, Jess called her brother Rhys. She told him that she felt  ADJECTIVE about Michael.  LENGTH OF TIME after their first date, Michael asked Jess if he could call her his  NOUN. Jess of course said  EXCLAMATION! A  ADJECTIVE memory that they share about the beginning of their  NOUN is watching the TV show  ADJECTIVE Doll together. Jessie met her  NOUN Candace at Starbucks. She told Candace that she thinks Michael is going to  VERB the "L-bomb" soon. Candace was so  ADJECTIVE that she  VERB, PAST TENSE! Jess told her mom, Andrea, the same thing. Secretly, Andrea knew from Jess's  NOUN after their second date that Michael was the  NOUN. In May of 2019, Michael said to Jessie, "I think I'm  VERB ENDING IN ING in love with you." In December of 2019, Michael brought up the idea of  VERB ENDING IN ING in together. In January of 2020, Jess and Michael  VERB, PAST TENSE their puppy Seymour. Then,  DISASTER happened and Jess and Michael didn't see each other in person for  NUMBER months. They had  NOUN nights on  SILLY WORD, and Jessie got to watch Michael's quarantine  NOUN grow. Finally, in summer 2020 Jess and Michael got their first  NOUN together. It was  ADJECTIVE. The apartment was on  NOUN at Purchase. Jess and Michael accidentally got  PLURAL NOUN banned on campus because they set off the  NOUN alarm. In January of 2021 Jess started her  NOUN program at Columbia. In May 2021 Jess and Michael moved into a  ADJECTIVE apartment. While they were moving in, Jess got  ADJECTIVE in an elevator. Michael took this opportunity to  VERB Jess's parents for their  NOUN. Jess and Michael were at a  NOUN for  HOLIDAY. Michael said he was going inside to get a  NOUN for Seymour. He came outside with something in his  NOUN. Jess thought it was Seymour's  NOUN so she  VERB, PAST TENSE in to get it. Michael slapped her  PART OF THE BODY away and Jess realized that it was the  NOUN box. Michael got down on one  PART OF THE BODY, opened the ring  NOUN and asked Jess to  VERB him. Jess said, "It's  ADJECTIVE, but yea!" Jess and Michael  VERB, PAST TENSE their venue by the end of July because "the  NOUN works hard but a  NOUN works harder." In December 2021, Jess and Michael closed on their  ADJECTIVE apartment and Jess started her  ADJECTIVE job out of  ADJECTIVE life. They have been happily  VERB ENDING IN ING their new home and planning their  NOUN ever since!