The Mystery Fart

One  ADJECTIVE human being.  NUMBER ounces of gas. On a  ADJECTIVE sunny day,  PERSONS NAME farted. However, this was no ordinary fart. This  ADJECTIVE fart caused the destruction of the  PLACE . Once this  ADJECTIVE fart happened, the entire country of  COUNTRY shut down. Vladmir Putin hid all of his  PLURAL NOUN, and headed to  PLACE to hide out from the  ADJECTIVE stench. You couldn't buy any  PLURAL VERB anywhere. It was a smelly,  ADJECTIVE, mess. NASA sent  PERSONS NAME up to the ozone layer to fix it. They failed, and  COUNTRY also shut down. Next thing everyone knew, even,  PERSONS NAME , everyone was trapped in their  ADJECTIVE homes. The  NOUN also smelled shitty. This enhanced the ever growing  ADJECTIVE disappointment in humanity to grow even more. Then, almost miraculously,  PERSONS NAME came up with a  ADJECTIVE plan, using  PLURAL NOUN .  PERSONS NAME from  PLACE would fly up to the ozone layer in a  ADJECTIVE rocket and spray  NUMBER gallons of febreeze into the air. So that's what they did. The  ADJECTIVE world was saved! Everyone was  PLURAL VERB with joy! The world, even  COUNTRY , was saved! Except Putin. He died of Aids.