I Love Moomis

Dear Moomis, I didn't know a person could literally be made of only love cells! That's  ADJECTIVE ! You are  ADVERB and you make me the  ADJECTIVE ENDING WITH EST Sarahbear in the world! I'd like to tell you why you remind me of the uniquely incredible molecule of  NOUN 1 by comparing you with  NOUN 1's properties. 1. You are the  ADJECTIVE  NOUN 1. Similar to  NOUN 1, pretty much anyone who meets you and gets to know you wants to  VERB into you in a big mama bear hug. 2. You have a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN 2 and  NOUN 3. You are  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE (most of the time, hehe, no one is perfect!) and you try many methods to work through problems. Even when you  VERB that  NOUN 2, you remain  ADJECTIVE . Sometimes, you even get to that  NOUN 3 (catharsis), but that is good as the resulting effect is a release of that  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , which allows your mind and body to cool down. 3. You are  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE due to your  NOUN (which alone are fragile, but collectively are incredibly strong). You bring  GROUP OF PEOPLE , who alone may be sad or struggling, together, so that they feel  ADJECTIVE. You  VERB people up (with your capillary action), always ensuring that people feel supported and capable. 4. Finally, you are required for the persistence of  NOUN and therefore, love. We all (squirrels included) d  VERB on you and you are what allows us to keep going. You keep us  ADJECTIVE and most of all, you ensure that we are in  PLACE where we can  VERB .