Mrs. Kruse's Valentine's Story

Today is Valentine's Day and everyone in Mrs. Kruse's class is so  ADJECTIVE! Love is definitely in the air. All of the students got dressed in their nicest  COLOR clothes and put on their best  NOUN just for today! The students have each spent  NUMBER hours making their  ADJECTIVE Valentine Boxes. Some boxes are  ADJECTIVE but others are really  ADJECTIVE . Before we get to the party, let me tell you a little bit more about this  ADJECTIVE class. First, we have our  ADJECTIVE teacher, Mrs. Kruse. She really likes  NOUN and  NOUN and she loves to  VERB and travel to  PLACE . This 5th grade class has 33  ADJECTIVE students. Let me tell you about them! We'll start with the  ADJECTIVE Angela,  ADJECTIVE Eva and of course  ADJECTIVE Dallin. And then we have  ADJECTIVE Colton,  ADJECTIVE Sadie &  ADJECTIVE Will. And let's not forget about  ADJECTIVE Sky,  ADJECTIVE Ella and  ADJECTIVE Gwynn! Oh, and did I tell you about Luke & Claire? They really like to  VERB and  VERB ! It's crazy! Next, we have  ADJECTIVE Katie,  ADJECTIVE Lily, and of course,  ADJECTIVE Sienna. And then, there's  ADJECTIVE Molly,  ADJECTIVE Carter, and  ADJECTIVE Teancum. But, wait! There's more students! Evan, Noah, Lylah & Ellie all LOVE to  VERB because they are SO  ADJECTIVE ! Then we have  ADJECTIVE Charlie,  ADJECTIVE Kaper,  ADJECTIVE Lemuel &  ADJECTIVE EJ. We definitely can't forget about  ADJECTIVE Chase and  ADJECTIVE Grayson! Next there's  ADJECTIVE Lexie,  ADJECTIVE Gwen S. and  ADJECTIVE Davey. And last, but certainly not least, we have  ADJECTIVE Crew,  ADJECTIVE Maggie and  ADJECTIVE Daphne! Whew! That's a lot of students! They were all really hoping for  COLOR  PLURAL NOUN at their Valentine's party, but instead, all they got was this silly story!