Angry Monster

Once in a faraway land, there was a little monster named  NAME . He was prone to getting very angry over little things. When he got angry, his  BODY PART turned bright  COLOR , and he would stomp around, scaring everyone in the village. One day, his friend, a wise old  ANIMAL named  NAME , noticed how his anger was causing trouble for everyone. The friend decided to teach a lesson about controlling anger. The friend took him on a  VERB through the peaceful  PLACE and asked him to pay attention to how the  THING swayed gently in the breeze, even when the wind blew hard. The friend explained that just like that, he could learn to sway with his emotions instead of letting them take over. They learned  COPING SKILL together. When they practiced this skill, he noticed his anger was going away. From that day on, whenever he felt his anger rising, he remembered to  COPING SKILL , just like his friend had taught him. He also started talking about his feelings with  PERSON which helped. With time,  PERSON noticed a change in him. He was no longer turning bright  COLOR and  VERB around. Instead, he was learning to control his anger and express his feelings in a calm and kind way. He had become a much happier and more peaceful little monster, and his friends were proud of him for learning to handle his emotions.