Food Fight!

A very  ADJECTIVE thing to do at  ADJECTIVE parties is a/an  NOUN fight. A/An  ADJECTIVE way to start one is to  VERB a piece of food, preferably a/an  FOOD, or a/an  DIFFERENT FOOD, if you have one. Then yell "!" and throw it at  PERSONS NAME . This might just make them  EMOTION.  ADVERB though, everyone will go  ADJECTIVE and start  VERB ENDING IN  PLURAL NOUN at each other. This is  ADVERB fun, but if you don't want to get  PAST TENSE VERB with  COLOR and  COLOR, then get a/an  NOUN to shield your  BODY PART. But don't  VERB away. If you do,  PLURAL NOUN will think you are a  NOUN and  ADVERB  VERB  PLURAL NOUN at you. Be sure to stay  ADJECTIVE, and don't  VERB anybody. Have a/an  ADJECTIVE time!